Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Garlic Braids!

The garlic mostly dried, and I got another chance to practice making garlic braids. It is easier to do with soft neck varieties, than with hard necked garlic, but I like eating garlic scapes, so most of my garlic is hard neck. To braid hard neck you need to break the neck or hard stem of the garlic, all along the stem, all the way to the leaves. Then you will need a lot of patience to braid them, starting with three and feeding bulbs and their stems into the braid as you work....
It's worth it, I think, they look beautiful, I had to display them over our table.
We have very little space, so storing our year supply of garlic in this way is not only fun and functional, it also agrees with my desires to reflect the seasons in my home and, especially, kitchen.

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