Monday, August 27, 2012

Oven-Dried Tomatoes

Sun Dried Tomatoes are delicious, but the sun here in Vancouver is not very hot, or reliable. And so, last year, when my tomatoes ripened, I decided to oven dry them instead.
The variety I grew was called Principe Bourghese, a small variety meant for drying, they were like mini paste tomatoes, with lots of flesh and less seeds. My thyme plant was huge too, so I harvested both.
After washing them and removing the green stems, I cut each one in half and lay them out on a cookie sheet with the thyme and olive oil.
Then I put them in the oven, set at 250 degrees F for almost 4 to 6 hours. I would check on them every hour for the first 2 or 3, and then every 20 minutes after that. Your house will smell amazing.

Once they are ready, put them in a jar and cover them in oil. They will be good for about a month in the fridge, and after they are done, the oil can be used as a lovely flavouring too.

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