Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Winter Gardening Update

In July I started sowing my winter veg, I sowed Rutabagas, Kohlrabi, Turnips, Radishes and Onions down in the garden, and Kale, Collards and Chard in pots on my balcony.
Everything sprouted really readily,  the turnips and radishes only took three days to sprout. I sowed them very thickly, and they needed to be thinned pretty dramatically.
Once thinned they quickly grew, and have already, one month later, started to make sizable bulbs. These are turnips, a mild Japanese variety that I totally love, the bulbs are great raw, or boiled, and the greens are delicious cooked into a sauce, stir fry or soup
This week I did my final sowing of winter veg, repeating everything, except Rutabagas, and Kohlrabi, as it is now too late for them. And I planted out my Kale, Chard and Collard starts. I really hope to be eating vegetables from my garden through the winter. We will see how it goes.

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