Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Preserving my Lemon Tree

After killing my Meyer Lemon tree last year, I bought another one. This time from a healthier nursery. Well, it paid off, very quickly my little Lemon tree bloomed, (the flowers smelled amazing.)
 And then little green lemons grew. I was getting nervous, they were still so small and it was August. The warmth and dry growing season would not last long.
 And of course, now it is cold and wet. I think I killed my lemon tree last year by bringing it inside, and essentially shocking it. It dropped all its leaves without even going brown. The little lemons keep getting bigger so I am motivated to try to save it this year.
I am experimenting with keeping the tree wrapped in clear plastic and against the south facing wall of my front balcony, right beside my Bay Laurel. The wall is white and offers the best light and possibility of warmth out in my garden. The plastic should help keep the roots dry, which I've read is even more important for Lemons than being warm. It looks a little ugly, but I'm interested to see if it works.

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