Sunday, October 28, 2012

More Space to Grow

While planting garlic this week, I decided to extend two of the garden beds. I wanted to try a method called lasagna gardening, that promises to kill sod without digging. 
This is how it works.
Mark out the space you want to turn into a new bed. I was extending a bed, so I just moved out the boundary. Clear everything off the grass.
Completely cover the grass with cardboard or newspaper. Make sure to remove any tape or staples from the boxes.
Cover the cardboard with compost. 
And cover the compost with mulch, in this case removed squash leaves. I will also be adding leaves as I rake them up.
This method could work anytime of the year, but I think it works best in the fall, when the cardboard has the winter to break down. The grass will be killed and turned into compost too, so hopefully in the spring this will be a very fertile garden bed.

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