Monday, April 25, 2011

Burdock Root

I've been making an effort lately to push myself to try new things. A fear of new foods is natural, but so is diversity in our diet, and I personally want to benefit from all the nutrients available from many different sources. So, when I saw this humungous burdock root (1lb) for sale at the farmers market, I had to jump at the chance to go on a culinary adventure.
I decided to pair it with another relatively new food to me, Oyster mushrooms, also bought from the farmers market, they had always scared  me off for looking so much like a fungus. Thankfully they have a mild flavour and a pleasing, tender texture. With all this new food, I had to add something familiar... green beans.
 I made this delicious stir fry, I challenge you to try it yourself. The sauce is worth it.

1 part washed and peeled Burdock root
1 part chopped Oyster mushrooms
1 part trimmed Green beans

Sautee, in enough oil to cover pan, with 
1 part maple syrup (maybe 3tbs)
1 part soy sauce (same as the syrup, balance it)

Serve over rice, 

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