Sunday, March 27, 2011

Nettles! and Dandelions! Why not....

A group of wonderful Ladies and myself went out last week to attempt to forage for some Nettle in Pacific Spirit Park, here in Vancouver. We were fortunate to have someone with us with a gift for intuition, especially around herbs. She drove right up and parked beside a large patch of Nettles on her first try, surprising because they were so small, as this spring has been a cold one. 
But we were there and so we clipped the tops off of all the Nettles we could find.

I brought them home and washed them,
Then I packed them into a fine mesh bag and hung them in a window for a few days till they were crispy dry, but still green.
Then I sealed them into this jar to use throughout the year as a tasty and nutitious tea.
Mmmmmmm Nettle tea. 
Then I got to thinking...
Aren't Dandelions as nutritious as Nettle? And they are abundant in my own yard, I don't need to travel, even to a close by city park. And so...
After cleaning and preparing the Dandelion I was surprised how little there actually was
It was barely even noticeable in my pasta sauce, adding just a bit of nice colour. A successful foray into a new food, one that I never thought of as food before, and certainly one that raised even my eyebrows. 
But this day was bound to come.

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