Saturday, March 19, 2011

Finding Security

Last weeks Earthquake and Tsunami felt so close to home, and saddened me immensely.
I'm praying for the survivors, that they find comfort, food, shelter and loving people surrounding them at all times.
I'm also assessing my families ability to withstand an earthquake of that size. Where we live, in Vancouver, we are prone to huge earthquakes, but since one hasn't happened in 300 yrs we are pitifully less prepared than Japan was.
And so I created an emergency kit, rather ad hoc, but this is what I put in it:

  • Flashlight
  • Batteries
  • Wool Blanket (wool is warm even when wet)
  • Radio
  • 4 bottles of Water
  • Candles
  • Lighter
  • a few cans of Tuna
  • Photocopies of our Passports
This kit, which I am storing in our car, would not keep us alive past a few days if we had no one else. It is a handy collection of items to get us out of a jam, but not real security.
Real Security lies in the Community and the Skills you build.
And so, this spring I am promising myself and my family that I am going to focus on building both Community and Skills, and have fun doing it, because life is short, lets not make it shitty.

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