Sunday, March 27, 2011

Nettlefest on Galiano Island

Nettles would likely become  the new trendy superfood if they weren't so abundant, and free to gather, barring the cost of a painful sting. Packed with iron, and vitamins A, C and E, they are used as an antihistamine, a diuretic and show anti-inflammatory properties. They are also tasty, once steamed or blanched they can be used much like spinach, or dry them for a tasty tea.
This weekend Galiano island is celebrating Nettles through their annual Nettlefest, two years ago my experience there was great, the day started with gathering the Nettles...
They are growing everywhere in this disturbed clearing
Back to the hall to do sorting, not how everyone is wearing gloves
Blanching them a few seconds in water removes their sting
Squeezing the water out of the blanched Nettles makes convenient balls to cook with
These can then be chopped and added to things
Like this Nettle Gnocchi baked in tomato sauce
Or these Nettle bread rolls
A plate of Nettle goodnes
Served to everyone who came,
Nettlefest is fun and delicious, and the Galiano community is warm and welcoming. If you are free this weekend, and in the area, I highly recommend stopping by:

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