Well my little tiny sprouts got big, too big for their pots (it seems to happen faster every year!) Time to pot up, or up-pot.
These little nubs on the bottom of the tomato trunks are rootlets, I always make sure to put these under the dirt, so they can form into roots, making my plants sturdy and strong.
Since space in my apartment is limited, and I have a south facing balcony, and I hope to grow many, many plants this year, I thought it was time to build myself a mini greenhouse.
This was actually my first frame building experience, and it is really not straight, but anchored on the corners with big pots and covered with clear plastic, it actually works.
The hope is that the thermal mass of the big pots and all the soil will keep the little plants warm at night. I can easily begin hardening them off starting in a week, by lifting the roof off for a few hours at a time.
I'm excited, I think this is the beginning of a long relationship between greenhouses and myself.