From our Balcony we get to watch the activities of many urban critters, including squirrels who always seem to be mating, a family of raccoons that live in the cherry tree when it is fruiting, our neighbours cute and mischievous cats and of course the birds.
We see many different type of birds, chickadees, sparrows, woodpeckers, hawks, hummingbirds, crows, other littler black birds and a friend claimed to have even seen an owl.
Because there are cats in the yard (whom I love) and because some species of songbird are being hunted practically to extinction by cats. I'm making an effort to provide food and shelter for the birds in a cat free environment, my balcony.
So far the best success has come from just leaving old bread ends out, the crows are quick to munch. Like this one in the photo, who was having breakfast at the same time as us. We have a suet cake on the front balcony and there was one day where a flock of chickadees were feeding off of it, but of course, the battery of the camera was dead. Oh well.
I invite you to find a cat free place to hang a feeder, hopefully close to a window, if birds visit, you will find them delightful.